Emails | Price | Order |
7,000 | $60 | {_ORDERSENDING_sLIMIT7000_sPRICE8.572_} |
10,000 | $80 | {_ORDERSENDING_sLIMIT10000_sPRICE8_} |
20,000 | $160 | {_ORDERSENDING_sLIMIT20000_sPRICE8_} |
30,000 | $240 | {_ORDERSENDING_sLIMIT30000_sPRICE8_} |
40,000 | $280 | {_ORDERSENDING_sLIMIT40000_sPRICE7_} |
50,000 | $350 | {_ORDERSENDING_sLIMIT50000_sPRICE7_} |
60,000 | $420 | {_ORDERSENDING_sLIMIT60000_sPRICE7_} |
90,000 | $450 | {_ORDERSENDING_sLIMIT90000_sPRICE5_} |
Successful email marketing starts by creating email that will be attractive and also the way you send the emails .Our team takes care of all those small but very important things. All you need to do is send us the content and subject line, and we will check the spam score, we will check the email format and code and advice you on changes that you need to make. We also check how the email is opening in many browsers and email clients so the email can look good on any device.
We do all the preparation and testing and after approval we send the email. After the campaign successfully is finished we deliver you open report.
Every email that is sent has unique tracking id. Whenever a recipient opens the email, time and date is recorded and imported in to the open analytics. This can be used to send separate email to all of the recipients that opened the email or be used as a tool for later follow up or phone calls by your sales and marketing team.
With link tracking you can have a clean overview of exactly what person at what time and date made a call to action and open one of the links in your email. This email statistics will tell you all the links that ware opened. You can also have more than one links in your email and the system will track it for you and deliver you reports for each user and link.
Before you send a campaign it is beneficial to include send to a friend form. This can trigger increase of subscribers and spreading the word about your campaign. We already have premade send to a friend forms that can be included in to the email you are sending. The results will show who was the want forwarding the email and what was the recipient.
With our once click unsubscribe we make easy for the recipients to unsubscribe very fast. All the unsubscribes are recorded under the unsubscribes tab and are automatically excluded from the list you ware sending so the next time you send campaign emails will not be sent to the unsubscribed recipients. This feature will also tell you who was unsubscribed at what time and date.
Use our Email Marketing list and tactics to start regular companies every week and start increasing your sales and traffic.
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